Prayers to the virgin of guadalupe
O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of the true God and Mother of the Church! You who manifest your mercy and compassion to all those who invoke your protection, listen to the prayer that we entrust to you with subsidia, we consecrate all our being and all our love on this day. We also consecrate our lives, our work, our joys, our illnesses and our pains.
Grant peace, justice and prosperity to our peoples, for all that we have and all that we are, we entrust to your care, Lady and our Mother. We want to be completely yours, to walk with you on the path of fidelity to Jesus Christ in his Church; don’t let go of your loving hand. Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of America, we pray to you for all bishops and priests, that you may lead us on the path of an intense Christian life, of love and humble service to God and to our brothers and sisters.
Contemplate our community and intercede that the Lord may inspire a hunger for holiness in the People of God and grant an abundant vocation of strong priests, religious and consecrated men and women who are jealous of the mysteries of God.
Grant to our homes the grace to love and respect the life that is beginning, with the same love with which you conceived in your womb the life of the Son of God. our family, so that we may always be united and bless the education of our children.
Tonantzin virgin mary
O Blessed Mother of Guadalupe, who said to Saint Juan Diego: “My son, the smallest, don’t worry about anything; are you not in my lap? Am I not here, I am your mother? These words of yours echo in my heart, oppressed and overwhelmed by the weight of my sins and the problems of my life. strength, support and peace.
I surrender myself to your power, I trust in your wisdom, I surrender my mercy. Because you are the Mother of God, you can help me; because you are my mother, you know how much I love you and how much I need you.
My mother, rest in the tenderness of your love.