🎯Prayers for finances🎯

Praying for a good job

How to get a miracle for your finances

Faith in God's help

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Table of Contents

PRAYER to God for URGENTLY getting a job that is good or a business.



This prayer is meant to aid you in finding a great job, so you can find an enjoyable conclusion as well as your financial and professional concerns are put to rest.


It is important to seek God His merits are innumerable and whose mercy is incomparable for the strength to end your unemployment, and to be favourable to you, and to provide you with the best opportunities and the most effective means to ensure that you don’t suffering from a lack of work and financial hardship.


O God My Good God my adored God my Lord My Shepherd and my Savior My God I worship You as the Son of the Everlasting Father. I am awestruck by You and thank You for Your kindness and goodness. I love You because You provide me with peace and security. With You I have no fear.


I cherish You because You shower me with divine blessings and graces every when I turn to You for help with my problems and every time I call Your help with confidence.


O God My good God my adored God You are the eternal light extend Thy loving arms over me once more and assist me in my times of trouble.

Praying for a good job

Thou, who is the friend and brother of the poor, never leave us in peace to let us wander off Thou who will always stand with us, show mercy upon me, and stand with me in my time of in need, show mercy to me and free me from my difficulties and, as the sole intermediary between God and the world, I offer my prayers to God to be heard.


O God My God, my wonderful God My adored God take note of the immense need in which I am In my search for work, I’m stuck, regardless of how hard I search, I can’t find it. You know that I am in desperate require help, since my situation is extremely desperate, therefore I request for Your tender assistance.

God my God, my wonderful God My God, my adored God I ask you to open all doors that I have found closed Help me locate a suitable job or a business that will ensure my financial stability as well as opportunities for growth and advancement. I need a job or company that is respectable safe, prosperous and secure in which I can grow personally and professionally.


God my God, my wonderful God my adored God You who fill the souls and body with peace alleviate the pain I am feeling within me Allow me to rise from this very difficult situation. Don’t let me to sink deeper, strengthen me even through the most difficult of circumstances.


In this time of despair or burden I am struggling with hopelessness, burden and lack of direction. Please guide me through the steps I need to take in order to get excellent job opportunities, make all doors open for me and place honest people in my path to help me. Provide me with the knowledge to demonstrate my skills as well as perseverance and the determination not to quit.


Help me find a job that is suitable and where I will be able to successfully complete my duties and earn the money that’s so missing in my house I ask you to bless me God, my wonderful God and let me receive assistance from heaven to receive what I need the most:


(say with complete conviction what you wish to get).


Oh, my God, my good God My adored God I am grateful to You from the deepest of my hearts in all of the wonderful blessings you have given meand the ones that are still to come and that I will definitely not have Do not stop to be beside me and shower me with Your blessings. I belong entirely to You, and I wish to remain forever in Heaven and I pray to remember You for all time and forever and never to be separated from You, or Our Lady.


Be blessed forever Lord!

God bless Your holy name Oh, God!

The Father and Son are blessed, and Holy Spirit!

That’s it. +


Spend seven minutes in prayer with devotion “Our Father” and once “Glory to God”.


Make the prayer and repeated prayers for three days in succession, performing them with great energy and faith, placing your trust to faith in the Sacred Heart of God, that is never failing.


Praying for a good job in PDF

PRAYER to God for URGENTLY getting a job that is good or a business


Praying for a good job in audio

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